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Regional Center: What they cover from 3-17 years old

Behavior Intervention

Behavior intervention services are designed to provide education, training, and support to families and/or service providers in situations where emotional, social, or behavioral challenges are interfering with an individual’s ability to participate in family and community life and/or to remain in the least restrictive living setting. For children diagnosed with autism, these services are available through the client's health insurance, including Medi-Cal Managed Care Plans.

Day Care

The purpose of regional center support for day care is to cover the extra cost of specialized care due to the exceptional needs of a child with a developmental disability when day care is not available through usual resources in the community at prevailing community costs. It is not intended to cover all costs associated with providing care and supervision for a child with a developmental disability (under age 18) who is unable to care for himself or herself. Parents are expected to pay the typical cost of day care for a child without disabilities until the child reaches age 13.

Extended Day and Extended Year Services

Extended Day and Extended Year Services are designed for school-aged children and youth living at home/foster homes who have a constant need for a supervised structured setting beyond the school program to promote and maintain positive behavior. The programs operate after school hours, on Saturdays and during school breaks. Parents are responsible for care on holidays. Extended day/year services that also meet a day care need will be subject to the Family Cost Participation Program for children ages 0 to 17.

Individual/Family Training and Development

Participation in seminars and conferences provides opportunity for people with developmental disabilities and/or their family members to develop skills and abilities in leadership and/or increase their knowledge of developmental disabilities and related resources. Transportation, lodging, and meal costs are the responsibility of the individual or family.

Intensive Behavior Services for Children with Autism

Intensive behavior intervention consists of individual instruction and behavioral techniques to teach new skills. Research suggests that children with autism can benefit from early and intensive behavior intervention services. Such services are based on principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) to specifically address deficits in social, self-care, and functional communication skills. Regional center shall only purchase ABA or intensive behavioral services that reflect evidence-based practices, promote positive social behaviors, and ameliorate behaviors that interfere with learning and social interactions. For children diagnosed with autism, these services are available through the client's health insurance, including Medi-Cal Managed Care Plans.

Medical, Dental and Equipment Services

Medical, dental, equipment and supply services and supports may be purchased to improve or maintain an individual’s health status. The purchase of medications is included within these services. The needed treatment or equipment is associated with, or has resulted from a developmental disability, developmental delay or an established risk condition.

Residential Services

Residential services are designed to provide direct supervision and specialized services to achieve Individual Program Plan objectives in a licensed residential setting. Dependent upon the abilities and independence of the person, the residential provider may provide care, supervision, training, and support to promote the individual’s functioning in the areas of self-care, daily living skills, physical coordination, mobility, behavioral self-control, choice-making, community integration, accessing community resources, and participating in leisure time activities. For voluntary placements, there is a Parental Fee that is calculated by DDS.

Respite Care

Respite care services are designed to provide family members with temporary relief from the continual care of a person with a developmental disability. The Regional Center may only purchase respite services when the care and supervision needs of the person exceed that of an individual of the same age without developmental disabilities. The number of respite care hours and type of respite service will vary depending upon the need of the individual and family. Hours can be provided on a monthly or quarterly basis. LVN respite is available for clients with significant medical needs.

Sexuality Training

Sexuality training is designed to assist individuals with developmental disabilities in protecting themselves from sexual abuse and/or exploitation (being taken advantage of) and to acquire socially acceptable behaviors and responsible attitudes toward human sexuality. Services and supports are to be provided in natural, integrated settings designed to empower adolescents and adults to make responsible choices regarding their sexuality. Services and supports may be provided to individuals or to groups with common educational needs. Services shall encourage input and participation.

Therapy Services

Therapy services and supports include occupational, physical, speech or nutritional therapies that are required to prevent deterioration of a specific condition, or to improve functional skills. In most cases the need for therapy is met by public school programs, California Children’s Services, Medi-Cal, Medicare, private family insurance, military health insurance, or other resources.


The regional center may purchase transportation services from available public transportation systems (in the form of a bus pass or Access coupons) or purchase private transportation companies vendored by the regional center, or family members may become vendored for reimbursement of mileage costs. For minors living at home, the regional center shall take into account the family’s responsibilities for providing transportation services similar to those provided for a child without disabilities. Parents, legal guardians, or care givers are expected to provide for routine transportation, such as to medical appointments, from afterschool programs, to and from Saturday programs, and to and from programs during times when public schools are not in session.

Social Skills Training

Social skills training is provided to children and young adults to develop appropriate social interaction skills so they may participate in their home and community. It addresses significant challenges in the areas of engagement and awareness of other people, social interaction, verbal and non-verbal social communication, and play skills. Social skills training is typically provided one to two times per week and is time-limited, usually not to exceed one to two years. It is expected to address specific goals and objectives, and prepare the client for transition to inclusive environments where he/she will be able to practice the skills learned and continue to build new skills.