Stand Out helps children and families with special and extraordinary needs get the support and resources they need to have a bright future.
Stand Out helps children and families with special and extraordinary needs get the support and resources they need to have a bright future.
We take pride in clearly explaining and navigating the often foggy landscape of obtaining a diagnosis and its impact on your family. Through a specialized and highly sought-after network of professionals considered experts in their fields we get you the right kind of help. Having a comprehensive and thorough diagnosis will provide the basis for obtaining the proper resources needed for you and your loved one. This process does not define your loved one.
Whether you run a theater, recording studio, or an eCommerce website, all businesses need to minimize their legal liability and risk. Our lawyers will assess the structure of your operation, such as its physical or digital space, the types of products you sell, who your consumers are, what type of company you have filed under (LLC, Inc, etc.), and so on. From there, we will tailor the right risk plan, complete with permit applications, insurance policies, and more, so you can worry less about liabilities and concentrate on growing your business.
As your Advocate in the Self Determination Program, our mission is to help put your dreams into actions by building your plan your way. We are here to help you take control of your life by guiding you with the many services offered through the state’s self determination program, overseen by the California Department of Social Services. These services previously funded through the Regional Center can now be controlled by you. Stand Out can help you navigate through this life shaping process which is a direct reflection of you, your dreams, your needs, and your wants. Our agency advises on both, offering advocacy and dispute resolution, to help put you in the driver’s seat— all so you can amplify and control the way you want the world to see you.
We’ll handle your appeal within IHSS, Regional Centers, CCS, Medi-cal, and SSI service areas. From initial stages of the filing process until services are in place. And if your case has been mishandled, our team will help fight for your rights and advocate for the the best possible outcome. Dispute resolution is the gateway to your loved one’s access to services that are needed to build strong foundation for you and your loved one.
The Lanterman Act Developmentally Disability Act declares that persons with developmental disabilities have the same legal rights and responsibilities guaranteed all other persons by federal and state constitutions and laws, and charges the regional center with advocacy for, and protection of, these rights. Since its inception, the regional center’s have been charged with helping developmentally disabled consumers to receive these services. As the country’s largest network of regional centers for California’s developmentally disabled residents, their ability to advocate has been taxed with a high consumer to case worker ratio. As such, your loved one’s face challenges that Stand Out stays two steps ahead of. We’ve successfully aided families in obtaining these much needed services for their loved ones
The coordination of resources for you and your loved one is at the very core of what we do. The founders have a unique and personal perspective having been responsible for coordinating these services for their own children. We’ve helped families and their loved ones, procure and maintain services that are personalized to the specific needs and challenges your loved one’s face. Helping families build a foundation by coordinating resources that include all of the necessary services their loved ones need, is what Stand Out was built on.
Making sense of the country’s largest caregiver for the elderly, developmentally disabled as well as the medically disabled, requires finesse, strategic structuring, and, in many ways, empathy. At the end of the day, this service and its worth is profoundly personal. In such matters, handling your case from the beginning and when that is not possible, dispute resolution via conditional withdrawals, almost always yields the most fulfilling results. However, should the occasion arise, our advocates are more than prepared to move into administrative law hearings. From parents, family members, conservators, caregivers, and providers, our clients have always felt secure in the results from their IHSS cases knowing that their loved ones core needs were what we put first.
The way people are individuals, so has to be their wants and needs. And just as there are no two individuals alike, there are no two individuals with disabilities that are alike. We must adapt quickly and be in communication with you and your loved ones regarding their ever evolving needs. Stand Out strives to advocate and educate our clients regarding these changes so you can focus more on living your best life. Tailoring each plan according to your loved ones individual needs, we help secure the appropriate resources and services for you and your family.
California Children's Services (CCS) is a state program for children with certain diseases or health problems. Through this program, children up to 21 years old can get the health care and services they need. CCS will connect you with doctors and trained health care people who know how to care for your child with special health care needs. We offer our assistance and knowledge of navigating through these state based programs to you and your family. We’ve helped many families just starting out as well as those who have been denied for years. Our experience and holistic approach is essential to anyone in need of CCS.